What I would like to do for my 'thesis' is actually develop my own motivational training program. To accomplish this I will:
- Film 4- 30 minute videos- These videos are meant to be creative and entertaining as well as a way for me to teach my material. I am considering doing a few shorter video segments as marketing methods that I can use on the internet and in my short seminars to bring in clients for a larger training program and to get more speaking opportunities. I might then instead do 2 half hour videos and three or four 10-15 minute videos.
- Prepare 4 one hour speeches/seminars also to bring in clients for a longer training program. For my end product I will have written copies of the speeches but more importantly I will record them digitally to show my work as a performer. The material is important, but I will need to find my stage and speaking style in a way that engages people in what I am saying. To show my progress I will record different versions of each speech so that my progress can be monitored.
- Create and implement a marketing plan as a motivational speaker. To be able to charge people money for speaking I will need to build a reputation so my first performances will probably be for free.
Note: I already have material that I need to only develop further into finished products. My overall topic and theme is: Time and Energy Investing. I will use principles of Economics, Leadership, and Psychology to teach people how to get the greatest returns by analyzing the strategies of how one invests his or her time and energy. This program takes time and energy management a step further by emphasizing the analysis of one's resource (time and energy) allocation.
Help I need:
- The filming part- I could use my digital camera and have my wife film it, but are there film students at UVU that need a project to film? Can I pay someone to do it for me? How much would that cost?
- The recording part. My early versions will be done on cheap recording technology but I would like my finished product to be recorded in a studio. Where? How? How much?
- Practice audiences: In the next few weeks I will have my rough speeches done and would like to practice them. I realize that a lot of my practice will be done in front of the mirror. However, if anyone knows of any speaking opportunities or needs some motivation and would like to listen and give feedback on my materials, please let me know.
Next week:
Implementation plan & timeline.